Let’s compare Shared hosting and VPS?

Selecting a hosting plan is often difficult for businessmen especially when they are a newbie. There are many kinds of distinctions between VPS and shared hosting. When a new business starts, they go for shared plans as they are comparatively cheap and don't require many resources. But, maybe it's time to switch to Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting as it gives you a space to expand, without breaking your budget.

What are the pros and cons of VPS vs. shared hosting?

Every type of hosting comes with its benefits and drawbacks. Let’s look at both with VPS hosting India vs. shared hosting. Now let dive in for information.

Pros of shared hosting:

·         It's not very expensive.

·         For newcomers, it is simple to gear up.

·         You don't need to configure your server in any way.

·         For a low traffic website, it is best.

Cons of shared hosting:

·         You cannot have an individual resource dedicated specifically to your site – it works on sharing.

·         Security hassles can be a concern.

·         Fewer customization options.

·         The traffic on other sites can affect your site's traffic and performance.

So, how does VPS hosting work better? Let’s check its pros and cons.

Pros of VPS hosting:

·         As you have a single server, your website's performance will not be affected.

·         Low-security risks

·         You can customize the virtual server to meet your site’s special needs.

·         Usually, your website gets scalable as you can increase or decrease your allotted resources as per your requirement.

Cons of VPS hosting:

·         It gets out of budget sometimes. You need to find cheap VPS hosting India.

·         You get restricted with a few elements like RAM and storage.

·         You will need more technical knowledge to manage it effectively.


As you can see, VPS hosting services in India is an excellent option for sites with much traffic, and we have also given a reason for that. All that’s left is to decide whether it’s the right choice for your site specifically.

Source From: https://medium.com/@deepak.nextraone/lets-compare-shared-hosting-and-vps-3a2358e2bb1c
