When Should You Upgrade to VPS Hosting?

When should you move up to VPS hosting? Developing a website is so fast and convenient now that
you really need not put a lot of planning into it. It is better if you do, but indeed not required.

You could supposedly grab a domain and shared hosting for a few bucks and straight away have a
WordPress Website. It only takes a few minutes.

Upgrading to VPS Hosting in India
Any website or blog that has gained considerable traffic is going to require an upgrade to VPS
hosting. Why is the case?

 More resources
 More speed
 More freedom
 Less downtime

It is simply a subject of space & resources. Shared hosting is a great starter platform because it is the most inexpensive and offers you everything you need at the beginning. For a website that only gets about a hundred visits a month, Shared hosting is perfectly acceptable.

But if you are getting thousands of visitors on your website in a day, you will notice your site is struggling to keep up with demand. That’s because the PHP scripts are not only running on your website but also on other websites as well. This means the limited resources are just too busy to keep up.

What Changes at the VPS Level?
There are a few things to consider once you have selected VPS hosting for your site. You will definitely notice the whole thing is already faster. That’s because all of the server resources you have are available to you alone.

With VPS hosting India, you have entire server partition dedicated to your website. All the memory bandwidth and space are allocated to a single account. But you can still have multiple domains. You
can always create virtually as many websites as you want. You can also create multiple cPanel
accounts to manage those websites separately.

Supported All the Way Through
The other great advantage of VPS is you can have our Managed Hosting team at NextraOne apply
custom configurations and optimizations catered to your website and VPS hosting price in India is
cost-effective and affordable. On the whole, the VPS hosting packages give you all the support,
freedom, and resources for a fraction of the cost of a dedicated server hosting. At some point, you
will need to upgrade. Let our experts at NextraOne help you decide when the time is right. Our Team
is always available for questions.
